Candice Theme

Grid width sizing

First head to the “Edit Theme” panel, next scroll down he left hand sidebar till you reach the bottom and click “Advanced Options”. On the next page, copy and paste the code below into the “ADD CUSTOM CSS” field. Make sure to copy the code exactly as it is including full stops and bracers and also hit save when done.

.tile-grid {width: 60%;}

Note: The width in the code is set at a 60% value(default is 80%), however you can change the “60%” value in the code to a smaller value such as 55% 50% or even smaller if you wish for a thinner grid width or change it to a larger value if thats what you fancy. However it’s important to note that the theme was made and tested only for the default sizes so depending on how big or small you adjust the grid width there may arise some inconsistencies in regards to elements being out of proportion, the areas of big effect would be video and movie posts. In the case that the layout breaks(which would only happen if the value is far off from the default), there won’t be much we can do to help you with fixing that as at that point the theme will be to far beyond the original product. In this case you can just remove or re-adjust the 60% value.