
Candice Theme

Have a black box at the top of your posts ? That black box on your blog is the Instagram feed not working correctly, this is usually because the details entered into the "Instagram Token" and "Instagram ID" in the "Edit Theme" section may have a couple wrong digits. Th ...

Instagram Feed Setup If you’d like a Instragram feed on your home page as seen in the Candice demo, you will need two pieces of basic info which is your Instragram ID and Access token. This can be done quite easily by following the instructions ...

Twitter Feed Setup We have a great tutorial to help get the Twitter feed up and running within our documentation. The tutorial includes step-by-step instructions + images to help you get it up and running within a few minutes.Said tutorial can ...

Grid width sizing First head to the “Edit Theme” panel, next scroll down he left hand sidebar till you reach the bottom and click “Advanced Options”. On the next page, copy and paste the code below into the “ADD CUSTOM CSS” field. ...

Reposition text to the bottom of posts This is possible but to a certain extent. What we'll be able to do is help you re-position the text on media type posts to the bottom of the post(rather than a separate box below the post content which would require altering ...

Left align text for posts This is possible, you will just need to follow some instructions below to make this happen. First head fo the "Edit Theme" section, scroll down the left hand sidebar till you reach the bottom of the page and click "Advanced O ...

Left align lists This code below will fix the left alignment for lists throughout the theme. To use it, you will first need to head to the "Edit Theme" panel, scroll down the left hand sidebar till you reach the bottom and click, "Advanced ...

Remove background image tint (opacity) We've added opacity to the background image as sometimes it may be a little hard to read the header text depending on the color of the background image. This is however, situational and depending on the background image and t ...

Google Font Setup Although Tumblr offers some awesome fonts for all users to incorporate into themes for free, you may or may not find exactly what you are looking for which is why we've integrated Google Fonts into every theme we make. Googl ...

Add custom links to the menu that can link to any URL First head to the “Edit Theme” section and on the left hand sidebar you will need to click the “Edit HTML” button. Once the HTML editor opens up, you will need to look for this exact line of code: {/block:IfMenuSen ...

Larger header logo size This is possible, you will just need to follow some instructions below to make this happen. First head to the "Edit Theme" section, scroll down the left hand sidebar till you reach the bottom of the page and click "Advanced O ...

Make header description visible at responsive sizes(mobile and tablets) Initially we've hidden the header description for responsive sizes because many people had very long descriptions and it was breaking the layout on mobile devices as the description filled out the screen, however if your desc ...

Google Analytics Setup If you’d like to monitor your sites analytical data and have registered for Google Analytics, you can easily add your tracking code into your blog. If you do not yet have a Google Analytics account, visit http://www.google ...